Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Image Attribution: Henry William Pickersgill (Public domain)

Still the old woman hesitated, and still she muttered to herself; but after some further prelude, and some further enticement from the curate, the which we spare our reader, she came at length to the following narration:—
"It was on the 7th of February, in the year ’44,—yes, ’44, about six o’clock in the evening, for I was a-washing in the kitchen,—when Mr. Aram called to me an’ desired of me to make a fire upstairs, which I did; he then walked out. Some hours afterwards, it might be two in the morning, I was lying awake, for I was mighty bad with the toothache, when I heard a noise below, and two or three voices.

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